5/19/17 MTC Week 6 - French done, Starting Tahitian, "That's my mom!", Texas sheet cake in mail, Ioane, 15lbs books

Hey everyone!!!

Started out the week right by calling my family!!! They're all just dying without me, but I know a mission is where I need to be. ;) Just kidding, they're all doing well and mom is just as awesome as ever! Dad is finally done with seminary and to quote him "I'm free like a little birdie." Needless to say he's crazy excited.

On Tuesday we had the opportunity to hear from the Primary General President Joy B. Jones! She was super awesome and the devotional was one of the most inspiring devotionals. She brought up the story in Mark 2 which is the story of the four men who lowered a man with the palsy through the roof to get to Jesus. She then asked "to what extent are you willing to go to bring a soul to Christ?" In that moment I felt like I would go across the world to help someone see the blessings of the restored gospel, and the thing is, in three weeks I am!

That night my branch president, President Mackay, told a story of someone in the MTC Presidency who found some sister missionaries crying in a hallway. He invited them into his office and found out that the sister crying was from Korea and was contemplating going home. While he was looking up her file to figure out how best to help her he gave the sisters a picture book from his time serving as a Mission President in Korea. He still wasn't sure how to approach the situation when he heard cries of excitement from the sister. She just kept saying "That's my mother!!!" It turns out, her mother had been serving in Korea at the time he was mission president and her picture was in the book. She left his office determined to stay till the end and told him "if my mother can do it, so can I." Mom, I thought of you when I heard this and I cannot tell you how many ways you going on a mission has influenced me to go as well. THANK YOU! Happy Mothers Day!

On a less spiritual note, if you ever wanted to learn how to flirt in Tahitian, today is your lucky day!!! We were talking to our teacher Soeur Kimball and somehow we got her to flirt in Tahitian... not with any of us because that would have been inappropriate, but with a tube of chapstick. First step, be really expressive with your eyebrows. Apparently just raising your eyebrows quickly in Tahiti means yes. Second step, Learn how to pronounce "Yorana, e haere mai anei oe o pinepine? Which translated means: Hello, do you come here often? Anyway, now you know!!! I don't start Tahitian until Monday, but I'm already a pro! (That is a lie... please don't send me to Tahiti yet)

WE GOT FOURTEEN NEW MISSIONARIES!!! They're all going to Paris and they're super awesome! It's sooo much fun being the STL's because you have an excuse to be around the sisters all the time and randomly check-in on them. It's a party for sure. Speaking of party, Soeur Kendall's mom sent a HUGE Texas sheet cake. I didn't even know it was possible to send a cake through the mail system... Anyway, we've been eating it non-stop and I think I might be in heaven. 

So you know how everyone has a mental breakdown at some point in the MTC? I may or may not have had one yesterday... Half of our district is leaving on Monday and it was a huge reality check. I'M GOING TO GO TO A COUNTRY WHERE I DON'T KNOW HOW TO SAY ANYTHING!!! What the heck??? How am I going to do this? Those are answers I still am trying to find, but I hope it'll come to me before I leave on a plane... ;) I'm sure going to miss my district, especially the sisters who have been rooming with us. Soeur Seiley and Soeur Wood have been huge influences on my testimony, and I can't think of anyone else I would have rather been with. 

We taught a new investigator last night Ioane (pronounced ee-oh-an-ay) and he was super cool! He was just Brother Vanderholm, but I felt like he was an actual investigator. This week Soeur Kendall and I had the opportunity to Skype someone who lives in France! It was amazing to see how much we understood and how much we had grown since we first walked in! With the Lord all things are possible and I'm 100% positive I would not be speaking French as well as I am if he wasn't helping me along the way!

Anyway, I love you all and thank you for being so loving and supportive! 

PS: An explanation for the pictures, the first is of me and my fabulous companion in our classroom we spend all of our time in, and the second is of all the books I have... The Tahitians who are leaving say that they weigh over 15 lbs.
