
Showing posts from May, 2018

5/28/18 Pirae 2 Week 18 - Great Week, Machete Surprise

Iaorana Tatou!!! This week was honestly one of the best weeks of my mission! We have been working so hard this transfer and the Lord is seeing fit to bless us! First of all we found 4 new amis who are so amazing! The first two are a young couple who are living together who randomly came to church a couple weeks ago even though they aren't members. They're so freaking cute and we started teaching them this week, and later she called us and asked us to come and teach her father the Plan of Salvation because she liked it so much! The other two are references from some less active members who are starting to come back to church. Honestly he has been so prepared by God to change his life around like his older brother (the member who gave us the reference) and we can't wait to start teaching him and his son! We dropped by to see if we could start teaching them and he literally had a cake made for us and they treated us like queens. They're so cute!!! Anoth

5/21/18 Pirae 2 Week 17 - Computer Trouble, Fish Eyes, Upcoming Baptisms

Iaorana Tatou! So I totally wrote out a nice and long, glorious email with stories and everything, and then it all got deleted and now I hate everything. I'm so mad. Pas grave, it just wasn't meant to be!  So this week was really weird. We never had just a normal day. In summary: Soeur Fowers ran away from all the dogs, and I ran away from all the drunk people. I ate fish eyes for the first time, and it's just as disgusting as it looks. You don't want to know what this is... Soeur Fowers has a hidden talent of being able to play anything on a child's music recorder flute thing that she found randomly in the house. Soeur Fowers' Wonderful Hammock A member assumed that R__ was getting baptized soon because we've had a lot of lessons with him and literally said to his face, "Oh, you've have 5 lessons so far? So you'll be baptized soon, right?" Don't ask me how we got out of that one because to this day I s

5/14/18 Pirae 2 Week 16 - Waffle Surprise, R__ our New Investigator,

Iaorana tatou! So this week was amazing! First of all, last Pday was so fun. We went to a beach and hung out with Soeur ma's district. After we came back and played some volleyball with everyone. Newsflash: I'm still really bad at volleyball, and may or may not have hit it into the ocean. Thankfully it didn't go in past our knees so an elder sacrificed to go in to get it. That night we had a Soirée Famillial that was so fun! I had never met this family, but honestly they're the best. They even fed us waffles for dessert! I haven't had waffles in who knows how long, and Soeur Fowers can testify that just the night before I said "I wish we had waffles." Moral of the story: God looks after his missionaries. We got a new DMP this week (ward mission leader), and he's already doing such a good job! He loves working with us and has managed to get a lot of our ward involved! He's very good at making sure people feel loved and valued.

5/7/18 Pirae 2 Week 15 - Great Things & One Crazy Rooster

Iaorana Tatou!!! So much has happened this week and to be honest I forgot about 95% of it. Desolé. In summary: we fixed the baptism of V_, a family we've been teaching for a while ALL came to church for the first time, T_ is officially not interested but L_ still wants the lessons, we saw a crazy chicken (more on that later), we went to V_'s house and looked at pictures of Jerusalem TWICE and she agreed to talk with Soeur Ma (her missionaries), and we found out an amie we had been teaching for a long time is actually a member. 😩 In other words this week was actually great. V_ is the daughter of less active parents who are starting to come back to church and she's so excited to get baptized! She's nine and didn't really grow up with the gospel so it's been so fun to see her learn and grow!!!  Totally Adorable V_ Ok, honestly everything was so awesome this week, but the real highlight of this week came from a really stressed out rooster

4/30/18 Pirae 2 Week 14 - Training, Kaufusi's Skirting Death, Someone Approaches Us

Iaorana Tatou!!! My Fille So I announced the pregnancy last week and this week it's official! It's a girl! (no duh, but just so you know...) My daughter (the sister I will be training) is so AWESOME!!! I love her so much already and it's only the first week! Her name is Soeur Fowers (like flowers without the L as literally ALL the Tahitians have noticed) and she's from Georgia. She's super funny and already a really incredible missionary, so I'm so excited to serve with her! (also: she takes a lot of pictures, so I will be using this to my advantage) First Day If anything tells you about how awesome she is it will be the fact that her second day she gave a talk in front of the stake. And she killed it!!! We had a open house at the church for the whole stake and all the missionaries gave 10 minute talks about a part in the Gospel of Christ (Faith, repentance, baptism, the gift of the Holy Ghost, and enduring to the end) and we got to