4/28/17 MTC Week 3- Teaching, The Spirit, Choirs, Kenyan Sister, Volleyball

Dear Mere, I am getting used to being called Soeur Sellers and if anyone messes up and calls me Lindsay I almost don't respond! I have two teachers, Soeur Kimball and Frere Vanderholm. Soeur Kimball has been with us the whole time and Frere Vanderholm was our "investigator" Tamatoa for the first two weeks. Soeur Kimball is super funny and crazy sweet! Frere Vanderholm is really intense. I don't know how else to explain him. He is super passionate about the gospel and loves teaching too. A normal class involves lots of getting up and sharing with neighbors. Sunday this week was bonkers. It started out as just another Sunday, but Soeur Kendall and I watched a talk by Elder Holland and it was TRES BIEN!!!!! I even wrote in my journal that "I thought I wasn't going to get much out of today because none of the talks stood out and now I know why. The Lord in his mercy knew I couldn't handle more of the spirit than what I'm feeling now....