8/28/17 Huahine Week 11 - An Apostle Visits, Bicycle Woes, Peikea & Heinui, Kitten Simba

Bonjour tout le monde!!! The stones are like a sacred place here. Their ancestors placed them here in that way and now people get married and stuff there. Pretty cool stuff. Packages from America So this week was awesome! For starters both Soeur Miller and I got packages from our families! So blessed! And I got something in said package that will allow me to upload pictures, so life is good again!!! Be prepared for tons of pictures!!! Bicycles Bad!! So you know how I was so excited we weren't going to be on bikes? I spoke too soon. Our new elder has knee problems and can't bike everyday so we're sharing with the elders now. They have it every Friday -M onday and we have it the rest of the week. And surprise surprise: Riding a bike in a skirt is not easy. I am really impressed with all of those sister missionaries who have come before us because it is actually the worst. I think I've managed to flash everyone on this island. oh well, what ...