9/25/17 Huahine Week 15 (Week 24 To Date) - Being Transferred to Neighboring Island Raiatea

Iaorana Tatou!!! BREAKING NEWS: I am leaving the beautiful island of Huahine and my wonderful companion Soeur Miller to go next door to Raiatea. It’s kind of funny because that’s exactly what Soeur Wissocq (my trainer) did, and it’s normal for sisters to serve in the islands only once. I guess it runs in the family! ;) Also, I’m going to the area Soeur Kendall (my MTC comp) was just in! Talk about a small world! We’re also doing a whitewash which means that both me and my companion will both be new to the sector. Pray for us, she’s only been in French Polynesia for 3 weeks longer than me. Maybe a special fast is in order… Just kidding, it’ll be great! Also we’ll be in a car and neither of us know how to drive manual , so you might hear more driving adventures. Normally I would fly today, but I fly out on Wednesday morning because SOEUR MILLER IS GOING TO BE A MOM! She’s training someone new when I leave! I’m so excited for her, and I know she’s going to be awe...