2/26/18 Papeete Week 5 - One More Street, Crazy Cat, Birthday Cake

Iaorana Tatou! First of all let me apologize for last weeks email... Emailing here is always a little crazy because we are in a room full of other missionaries and I end up talking the whole time. I am my mother's daughter! For the past couple days this monster has been waking me up early by meowing right outside our second story bedroom window. Punk. Working in a Different Area for a Day Ok, so this week was actually really awesome! For starters I went on a split with Soeur Gandon who is from France so I spoke only French for 24 hours. I feel so accomplished. They are in a walking sector and it was like a whole new world for me! They knew like everyone who passed by name and their whole life story... Super weird. Anyway, it was super awesome! We taught a woman who was afraid to pray because every time she closed her eyes to pray she felt like Satan was coming to attack her. That was fun. People are incredibly receptive to the spirit here, both good and bad ...