7/31/17 Huahine Week 7 - Mango Mania, 1st Zone Conference, Teaching Marilene, Bicycles,

Iorana tatou! "My Living Room Wall that I Love" - Lindsay Raking Mangos and Climbing Trees Apparently I've been spelling that wrong this whole time. I feel like my whole life is a lie. So this week was kind of uneventful... JK, there's no such thing as uneventful in Huahine! So something that I'm coming to realize is when Soeur Wissocq wants something, she does everything in her power to get it. It's served her well in her life, straight A's, very popular, ect. It has a downside though, and I will demonstrate this in a story that definitely happened this week. It was a Tuesday night like any other. We were coming to the close of our English class when all of the sudden a tree full of unripe mangos caught Soeur Wissocq's eye. Ok, long story short after English class we were throwing rakes into this tree to get mangos down while members tried to climb it. It's moments like this where I wish my mission life was a TV show because ...