7/17/17 Huahine Week 5 - Flowers, Beaches, Wild Dogs and Mosquitoes
Iorana Tatou!
So this week was another super awesome week so prepare yourself. It started out fabulous on P-day because we had the opportunity to learn how to make those awesome flower crowns! It's actually really easy and I think you could do it with any kind of flower. Souer Wissocq loves them and has made a couple since then to wear around and feel like an island princess. ;)
Sister Wissocq's Birthday

Misfortune, Wild Dogs, & Rocks
We became moms on her birthday! We found 6 kitties that were born that day in the shrubbery outside our house. We didn't have time to name them before the dogs found them and ate all of them. We were pretty heartbroken. Speaking of dogs, we were out walking the other day when a group of dogs started running at us and Soeur Wissocq without a break in her stride hands me a couple fist sized rocks. They stopped chasing us once they saw that we meant business. I guess you just need to show them who's boss. ;)
Beach Study
Something that was pretty cool that we haven't done before is we went to do some studying at the beach. It was so beautiful and I couldn't focus on French when there were gigantic waves calling my name. And before anyone asks, yes I was obedient and didn't get in... no matter how much I wanted to. ;) We're about a 15 minute walk from the beach and it's so nice to switch things up a little and get out of the house for study.
Mammoth Basketball & Mosquito Woes
We had another missionary activity where we played volley ball and basket ball. It was really fun! I thought I was going to die though... I've never played basket ball with 200-300 lb. men before. I'm glad they didn't crush me. ;) So on another note mosquitos are killing me. I thought it was fine and normal, but members have been buying me bug spray as presents and some have started giving me these olive kind of things because the oil is good for bug bites... I guess they're not used to seeing sisters who look like they have some rare tropical disease. ;)
Haeva Ending Not Soon Enough
Anyway, things are going really well here in Huahine! This week was a little weird because of haeva. People kept canceling on us because they were going to be singing or dancing. It ends really soon though, so pretty soon we'll be back to normal!
Feeling Inadequate, but Persevering
This week was pretty tough for me because of French, but also because I have to talk. ;) I'm not a very talkative person if I'm not 100% comfortable and on a mission you're never 100% comfortable. You're always out of your comfort zone and always talking to new people who may or may not hate you. ;) But the thing is, I need to do it. I can't go through my entire mission afraid to say or do something wrong because that would be a waste of my and the Lord's time. I reread a talk this week that has really helped me called "Becoming a Consecrated Missionary," and a quote that I've been thinking a lot about as I've been working through this is "Some missionaries are so afraid of offending people they never save them," and maybe I'm not afraid of offending people, but of making a mistake or looking stupid, but I need to overcome those fears because if I do I can help them come unto Christ and be saved. Anyway, just my thoughts for this week. ;)
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