
Showing posts from April, 2018

4/23/18 Pirae 2 Week 13 - Training a New Missionary, Sisters Conference, Good-byes

Iaorana Tatou!   The sunset last night This last week continued to be hard for our amis, but we're still positive and happy! We did have a lot of cool things happen this week, like we had a muli-zone sisters conference with Soeur Fox (our mission president's wife). It was very inspiring and at the end we all colored some notes we could give to our amis or while contacting. It was so funny because you would never find coloring as part of the schedule at an Elders conference. So a miracle that happened this week was we went to the hospital with some sisters to get some tests done (because we're the missionary taxi, but we don't mind) and normally we thought we were just going to go and drop them off, but we decided to stay and Soeur Bready struck up a conversation with someone in the waiting room. Turns out she has cancer and was there to go through some tests. We continued talking and found out that she actually took the missionary lesson

4/16/18 Pirae 2 Week 12 - Typhoon Disappointments

Iaorana tatou! So if we're being honest this week was really hard. It rained for three days straight (like we are in a typhoon kind of rain) and that really kills missionary work. Normally we average from 10-11 lessons a week and this week we had 4. So crazy. We did have our multi-zone conference though and that was awesome! We talked a lot about maximizing our day and finding ways to be busy when we don't have lessons! It was a really good zone conference.  Another thing that hit us kinda hard this week is now some of our amis who we've been teaching are now going to the Catholic church and are kind of avoiding us, our fixed baptisms aren't coming to church, and another family started avoiding us. Satan's trying really hard to get us down, but we're not going to stop working!  Anyway, that's pretty much our week. Sorry it's so short and boring to read about!!! I also didn't take any pictures this week, so I'm a punk. I

4/9/18 Papeete Week 11 - New investigator, Easter Concert, Names

Iaorana tatou!!! Soeur Bready and I at the Coolest Waterfall I hope you all had a fabulous week because I sure did! For starters, last p-day we did the tour de l'ile! In other words we drove around the entire island of Tahiti doing touristy stuff. It was so cool! We got to go with members and since they know everything we were able to get some of the stories behind some stuff.  Here is a Better View So this week we found a new amie! Her name is V_ and she's awesome. Both her parents are inactive members, and she's nine years old, so we're trying to teach her and reactivate the parents. She's hilarious and no matter what she's doing she drops everything to come and hug us. So freaking cute. L_ and T_ are still really progressing. We just need to help them come to church more. They used to come a lot and I'm not sure what changed.  We had mini transfers this week and our dear Soeur Robinson who lives with us was transfer

4/2/18 Papeete Week 10 - Great News, General Conference, Easter, Sunburns

Iaorana Tatou!!! So this email might be a little short because we don't have a lot of time to email today, but know that I love you all even if it's short and a little lame. ;) This p-day we walked around a gigantic park in Papeete and Souer Bready got really sunburned, but we got some pretty wonderful pictures so it was worth it. No regrets. Unless she gets skin cancer. Then all the regret.  Before We Got Sunburned In other news... L_ AND T_ AGREED TO GET MARRIED THE 12 OF MAY !!! (Fireworks and probably the national anthem in the background) It was so cool because we just brought a member with us and once she heard about the problem she knew exactly what to say. She bore her testimony about the day she was sealed and at the end just said "being sealed for time and all eternity is the best gift you can give to your daughter for her birthday, because after that NOTHING can take her away from you." T_ totally started crying and the spirit was so