4/23/18 Pirae 2 Week 13 - Training a New Missionary, Sisters Conference, Good-byes

Iaorana Tatou! The sunset last night This last week continued to be hard for our amis, but we're still positive and happy! We did have a lot of cool things happen this week, like we had a muli-zone sisters conference with Soeur Fox (our mission president's wife). It was very inspiring and at the end we all colored some notes we could give to our amis or while contacting. It was so funny because you would never find coloring as part of the schedule at an Elders conference. So a miracle that happened this week was we went to the hospital with some sisters to get some tests done (because we're the missionary taxi, but we don't mind) and normally we thought we were just going to go and drop them off, but we decided to stay and Soeur Bready struck up a conversation with someone in the waiting room. Turns out she has cancer and was there to go through some tests. We continued talking and found out that she actually took the missionary lesson...