4/2/18 Papeete Week 10 - Great News, General Conference, Easter, Sunburns

Iaorana Tatou!!!

So this email might be a little short because we don't have a lot of time to email today, but know that I love you all even if it's short and a little lame. ;) This p-day we walked around a gigantic park in Papeete and Souer Bready got really sunburned, but we got some pretty wonderful pictures so it was worth it. No regrets. Unless she gets skin cancer. Then all the regret. 
Before We Got Sunburned

In other news... L_ AND T_ AGREED TO GET MARRIED THE 12 OF MAY!!! (Fireworks and probably the national anthem in the background) It was so cool because we just brought a member with us and once she heard about the problem she knew exactly what to say. She bore her testimony about the day she was sealed and at the end just said "being sealed for time and all eternity is the best gift you can give to your daughter for her birthday, because after that NOTHING can take her away from you." T_ totally started crying and the spirit was so powerful. I'm so grateful that I am sealed with my family and that I can help others become sealed with theirs!!! It is such a blessing in my life! 

We got invited this week to go to a birthday for a one year old from a semi-member family so we thought "why not?" we figured it would be a good opportunity to bond with the investigators of the family and thought it would be a pretty low key party. It was not. I repeat: nothing about this party was low key. We showed up an there were decorations everywhere, insane amounts of food, and over 40 adults and 300000000000000000000000 children running around everywhere. It was a good time and we got to talk to a lot of people not of our faith. And the food was really good. 

Church Building
So in case none of you were aware this week was GENERAL CONFERENCE!!! Can we just talk about the solemn assembly real fast? That's the first time I participated in sustaining a new Prophet (I can't remember when President Monson was called) and while standing up and sustaining him I felt so strongly that he is the Prophet for the church at this time. I've never gotten so emotional doing that before. Also: we got to watch conference in English this time! I am so glad! We watched with a member for the first session and at our mission presidents house for the second session. We're so spoiled because we live in the zone where they live we get to hang out with our mission mom and dad sometimes. So blessed.

On the down side my mission president has now seen me cry. But afterward we made and ate pancakes with Soeur Fox, so I'm not too torn up about it. Also, all the new changes have me so excited!!! We really are coming closer and closer to the coming of the Savior and we're so incredibly blessed to be here at this time!!!

 HAPPY EASTER EVERYONE!!! We have literally over 70 chocolate eggs at home in the freezer from kind members, and I have no idea when we'll eat them all. If anyone wants to come get some we won't mind at all. ;) It was kinda funny because we were waiting for our Faatamaara'a to come drop off some food because they couldn't have us come to their house and I thought to myself, "Wouldn't it be so funny if they dropped off some food they had just bought?" and lo and behold she came and dropped off some nice and warm McDonald's for our Easter Sunday meal. Classy and way to keep the Sabbath Day Holy, Tahiti. ;)
Easter Dinner

You all thought you could get away without more street art... Silly.

Anyway, I love you all so much!!! Have an awesome week and if you weren't able to watch conference this weekend it's still up on lds.org! Love you guys!!!

Soeur Sellers



  1. Tanya's make a big deal of the baby's first birthday to it's because back in the day before they had modern medicine most children didn't make it till 1 if they made it to one that was cause for celebration.
    I love you and I'm proud of you au revoir


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