5/28/18 Pirae 2 Week 18 - Great Week, Machete Surprise

Iaorana Tatou!!! This week was honestly one of the best weeks of my mission! We have been working so hard this transfer and the Lord is seeing fit to bless us! First of all we found 4 new amis who are so amazing! The first two are a young couple who are living together who randomly came to church a couple weeks ago even though they aren't members. They're so freaking cute and we started teaching them this week, and later she called us and asked us to come and teach her father the Plan of Salvation because she liked it so much! The other two are references from some less active members who are starting to come back to church. Honestly he has been so prepared by God to change his life around like his older brother (the member who gave us the reference) and we can't wait to start teaching him and his son! We dropped by to see if we could start teaching them and he literally had a cake made for us and they treated us like queens. They're so cute!!! Anoth...