6/25/18 Pirae 2 Week 21 - Teaching Miracle, Puppy Hiking

Iaorana Tatou! So this week was AWESOME! We had a lot of crazy things happen that made it interesting and a lot of good things happen too! 1st of all: Our Soirée familial was very interesting. They had invited the Zone Leaders to come and the ZL's planned a game and lesson. Little did we know that this game had to do with the golden rule and would result in me crawling around on the floor barking like a dog, and Soeur Fowers dancing while singing "Alouette." Good times. This week I had my split with the STL's (sister training leaders) and we had a miracle happen! We had planned to drop this family because they weren't really progressing and they had been taking the lessons a long time, but because an STL was going to be there instead of Soeur Fowers, we decided it would be better to wait until the next lesson. So we did our weekly planning and it was really good, but I think God wanted us to teach another lesson. Anyway, after we did our P...