6/11/18 Pirae 2 Week 19 - V_ is Baptized, Cockroach, Chick, Child, Singing to Drunk Teens
Iaorana tatou!
Sorry there was no email
last week, but somehow my email account got disactivated? If I haven't
been responding it's because I'm currently emailing from Soeur Fowers
email. Hopefully they get my email situation figured out soon because it
stinks having no news whatsoever. Anyway, these past couple weeks have
been amazing! I don't have a lot of time today, but here's a petit
summary: We rescued a baby chicken, found a lot of new amis, V__ GOT BAPTIZED, a child peed on Soeur Fowers backpack, I killed a
cockroach without crying, I watched a 5 year old child pick up a
cockroach after stomping on it with her bare feet, I ate at least my
weight in cake, and Soeur Fowers and I sang a hymn really loud in an
attempt to wake up some hungover teenage boys who we were supposed to
teach. Oh the joys of serving a mission.
Anyway, I'm still loving being here!!! I love you all and have an awesome week!!!
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