Iaorana Tatou!!!
So this week was pretty darn
incredible. First of all: I saw a man trying to dig a hole with a
machete. Could this day get any better??? Second of all: We had zone
conference and guess who decided to show up? Elder Haleck from the 70.
Before it had even started yours truly was randomly selected from a
bunch of other missionaries to be interviewed by him. It was a very cool
because I had had a couple questions and by the end when he asked "do
you have any questions?" he had single handedly answered them all. We
had an incredible zone conference that I'll never forget. I think my
favorite quote of the day was "You need to help your investigators make
it to the kingdom of God, but you also need to live so that you can join
them there." Good stuff!
Zone Conference with Elder Haleck |
This week we also had
transfer calls and I'm staying in Puurai, but I had to say goodbye to
Soeur Randriantsoa and hello to Soeur Mortier! She's from France and is
so cute! I'm super excited to serve with her. She also is from one of my
old districts!!! Also with the transfer we had another surprise: We
will now be covering two wards! Tiperui had two missionaries get
transferred and now we'll be working a little in that sector too. We'll
see how this goes.
Hiding from the Rain |
A Natural Umbrella |
We had another baptism
this week! The twin of H__ followed in her sister's (and Jesus
Christ's) footsteps by being baptized last Saturday. It was a cool
experience, and it's always so cool to see someone choose to follow leur
Sauveur. Speaking of baptisms we had the opportunity to go to the
temple with some of our recent converts! They were so happy to be there
with the rest of the ward!!! Truly the gospel is such a beautiful thing.
Anyway, I'm short on time today because we've been running around the island all day, but here are the pictures I promised!!!
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