9/10/18 Puurai Week 9 - H_'s Baptism, V_'s Getting Married/Baptized

Iaorana tatou!!!
Stray Dogs and Stray Cars Everywhere!!
So this week was pretty awesome! We were able to do an STL split and I went with Soeur Southwick who is officially 2 weeks old! She's so awesome and hilarious so we had a good time. We did have a crazy (and possibly drunk) guy get in our car. So I've talked to him before and he's a super nice guy, so I didn't really think anything of it when he waved us down while we drove by. Anyway, he wanted a ride (which is a big no no) and didn't even let us talk to explain why we can't do that before opening the door and starting to get in. Out of panic I just told him we were going in the opposite direction (which was true), and he finally left us alone. As a completely unrelated side note: I now know how to lock all the doors to our car at a moments notice.   
Tahiti, A Most Beautiful Place
MIRACLE OF THE WEEK: So y'all V_ couldn't get baptized because she's not married? Remember how she and her boyfriend both got blessings? Well, he wasn't there when we went back Friday but she was and she said that HE SAID "YES". Hopefully, they'll get married the 13 of October, and then she can get baptized the 18th. I'm so happy I could die. Honestly, we've been praying so hard and thinking about them nonstop, so this just makes everything perfect. 

H_ GOT BAPTIZED! It was a little rough at first for technical problems, but in the end it turned out well. Soeur Randriantsoa came back to give a talk on baptism and I gave one on the gift of the Holy Ghost. It was good to testify together, just like old times. H__ bore testimony after and she did such a good job! She says she doesn't want to go on a mission, but I could just see how amazing of a missionary she would be. We'll see what happens. Also: All the kids in the ward really want to serve a mission in Colorado now, (because I told them I would feed them a lot), so I'd say my work is done here. 

Anyway, that was pretty much our week. Miracles have not ceased, the work of God is not finished, and keep up the faith. I love you all and have a great week!!!
