9/24/18 Puurai Week 11 - Flying Termites, Weddings & Baptisms

Iaorana Tatou! Baptism of S__ This week has been super awesome, but the past 24 hours have been a nightmare... Story time! Once upon a time, in a land far, far away lived 4 sister missionaries. It was late one night and they were excited to go to sleep and rest themselves after a long hard day of work. Little did they know that TERMITES WITH WINGS WOULD START CRAWLING IN FROM EVERY CRACK IN THE HOUSE. "They're attracted to the light," Soeur Sellers screamed in terror as she watch thousands of bugs crawling through the closed windows. They hurried and turned off every light except for one and thought of their war plans. A couple minutes later they kicked the doors in and ran in screaming battle cries to intimidate their foes while spraying bug spray EVERYWHERE. All of the sisters were armed to the teeth with two cans of bug spray in each hand and Soeur Mortier with her zapping bug racket. It was a massacre, but we are proud to say that the only casualties were...